Friday, January 23, 2015

No review

I haven't posted in a while because I'm currently in love with the sweet apple cider tea from davidstea. Once I stop loving the tea or run out I'll post about others haha any suggestions for my next please comment.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fit Active (Teaopia/Teavana)

Ingredient: Apple, rosehips, strawberry leaves, raspberry leaves, elderberries, safflower, cornflower, sunflower petals,cherries, bramble berries.
Steep time: 7 minutes Amount: 1.5 tsp per 12 oz Sweenter:A little honey Smell: sweet earthy Color: light green Stars: 4/5
Taste: Unfortunately, this tea is no longer available at Tevana but it is one of my favorite diet teas. With a strong green tea taste that is still sweet. With mild caffeine this tea gives me the energy I need before my work out!
Bottomline: one of my favorite diet teas. Sweet and earthy the perfect pre-workout tea.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sweet Apple Cider (DavidsTea)

Ingredients: Apple, apple pomace, sweet blackberry leaves, apple flavoring, vanilla and cream flavoring. 
Steep Time: 7 mins Amount: 1.5 tsp per 14 oz Color: yellow Smell: sweet apple mild cream Sweeteners: none Stars: 5/5
Taste: This tea comes second only to Baked Apple Pie Oolong (teaopia) in my list of favorite apple teas. Strong flavor and no sweeteners needed. There is a slight earthy taste from the blackberry leaves. Overall a very good tea.
Bottomline: Excellent tea sweet and apple flavors. This tea lives up to its name.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sleigh Ride (Davidstea)

Ingredients: Apple, hibiscus blossoms, pineapplepapaya, beetroot, cinnamon, raisins, coconut, roasted almonds, , popped rice, artificial flavouring. 
Steep Time: 7 mins Amount: 1.5 tsp per 14 oz Color: medium red Smell: strong cinnamon Sweeteners: none Stars: 4/5
Taste: This tea has a warm cinnamon taste and a strong tart taste. It is good hot or cold. Does not need sweetener in my opinion. 
Bottomline: this is a yummy tea with warm cinnamon and tart flavors

Sakura Allure (Teavana)

Ingredients: green tea, hibiscus, cherries, candied mango, candied pineapple, bamboo leaves, rose blossom, lemon peel, rosebuds, cranberries
Steep Time: 7 minutes Amount: 1.5 tsp per 14oz Smell: sweet and earthy Color: pinkish tint Sweeteners: none Stars: 3/5
Taste: weak! This tea has a very weak flavor, like watered down hibiscus. Green tea is listed as the first ingredient but I don't taste any green tea. I see a lot of bamboo leave though and I can taste them slightly. 
Bottomline: This tea disappoints it has nice flavor it's just really weak

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Yes We Cran (Davidstea)

Ingredient: organic hibiscus, cranberries, rosehip, apple, sugar, natural pumkin spice and cranberry flavoring
Steep time: 5 minutes Amount: 1.5 tsp per 14 oz Color: deep red Smell: tart sweet and bold Sweetener: none Stars: 5/5
Taste: this is one of my favorite teas. It has a strong tart and sweet taste. You can taste the cranberry with a hint of the cinnamon. A great tea warm or cold. It is slightky dry but unlike white teas it is still smooth. 
Bottomline: great tea with a strong tart but sweet taste

Santa's Secret (DavidsTea)

Ingredients: black tea, peppermint, sprinkles, natural and artificial vanilla flavoring.
Steep Time: 7 minutes Amount: 1.5 tsp per 12 oz Color: dark brown Smell: strong vanilla light peppermint Sweeteners: None Stars: 3.5/5
Taste: This tea has a strong vanilla snell that disappoints. The flavor of this tea is very mild black tea. I don't taste any vanilla and just a slight peppermint. The mild black tea isn't offensive like some black tea can be. 
Bottomline: This tea is ok it doesn't live up to it's description but still tastes good.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Eggnog (DavidsTea) Review

Ingredient; green rooibos, white chocolate chips, meringue powder, sugar, gum arabic, calcium sulfate, citric acid, cream of tartar, artificial and natural flavoring.
Steep time: 7 minutes Amount: 1.5 tsp per 12 oz water Color: milky brown water Smell: light and sweet Sweeteners: None Stars: 4/5
Taste: I have never had eggnog so I can't really say if it is true to it's name. However, it has a warm sweet and fairly simple taste. It doesn't look as appealing but it smells great. You can really taste the white chocolate, and reminds me a lot of warm vanilla milk. 
Bottomline: This tea is good and I would recommend it.


Hey there so I'm new to critic blogging. This blog will be focused on my opinions on teas I try out. I will include a list of ingredients, store/brand, steep time, amount of leaves to water, smell and color critics. For the beginning of my blogging career I'll mainly be critiquing David's Tea and In Cahoots with Tea, teas as I have a cupboard full of them. I will also be adding some tips one making tea and opinions on tea accessories. I hope you enjoy my blog. Please leave comments with you opinions as well!